10 #ifdef CPP_SDL2_ENABLE_VULKAN 11 #include <SDL_vulkan.h> 12 #include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp> 28 title.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, size.x, size.y,
44 if (this->
window_ != other.window_)
48 other.window_ =
68 const auto render = SDL_CreateRenderer(
window_, -1,
69 if (!render)
throw Exception{
76 const auto r = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(
77 if (r == -1)
throw Exception{
85 if (SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode(
window_, &mode) != 0)
87 throw Exception{
95 if (SDL_GetWindowDisplayMode(
window_, &mode) != 0)
97 throw Exception{
108 SDL_SetWindowGrab(
window_, static_cast<SDL_bool>(g));
122 SDL_SetWindowPosition(
window_, v.x, v.y);
132 SDL_GetWindowPosition(
window_, &pos.x, &pos.y);
143 SDL_GetWindowSize(
window_, &s.x, &s.y);
151 SDL_SetWindowTitle(
window_, t.c_str());
155 std::string
const {
return std::string{SDL_GetWindowTitle(
window_)}; }
166 SDL_SetWindowIcon(
window_, icon.ptr());
209 if (SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(
window_, fs ? SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP : 0) != 0)
211 throw Exception{
223 SDL_VERSION(&info.version);
224 if (SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(
window_, &info) == SDL_FALSE)
231 #ifdef CPP_SDL2_ENABLE_VULKAN 236 std::vector<const char*> extensions;
239 if (!SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions(
window_, &count,
240 throw Exception(
242 extensions.resize(count);
244 if (!SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions(
window_, &count, extensions.data()))
245 throw Exception(
254 VkSurfaceKHR surface;
255 if (!SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface(
window_, instance, &surface))
256 throw Exception(
265 return vk::UniqueSurfaceKHR(nakedSurface, instance);
273 SDL_Vulkan_GetDrawableSize(
window_, &size.x, &size.y);
276 #endif // vulkan methods 278 #ifdef CPP_SDL2_ENABLE_OPENGL 286 if (SDL_GL_SetAttribute(attr, val) < 0)
throw Exception(
295 if (SDL_GL_GetAttribute(attr, &value) != 0)
throw Exception(
305 return SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported(ext_name.c_str()) == SDL_TRUE;
327 if (result != 0)
throw Exception(
333 const auto value = SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval();
345 GlContext(SDL_Window* w) : context_{SDL_GL_CreateContext(w)}, owner_{w}
347 if (!context_)
throw Exception(
364 if (context_ != other.context_)
367 owner_ = other.owner_;
368 other.context_ =
375 if (SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(owner_, context_) < 0)
throw Exception(
378 SDL_GLContext
const {
return context_; }
381 SDL_GLContext context_ =
382 SDL_Window* owner_ =
static void gl_set_swap_interval(gl_swap_interval swap_mode)
Set the swap interval. If exception thrown while attempting to use adaptive vsync, use standard vsync.
Vec2i vk_get_drawable_size()
Get the underlayoing drawable size of the window.
GlContext & operator=(GlContext &&other) noexcept
Vec2i gl_get_drawable_size() const
Get the actual size of the OpenGL drawing area on the window. May not match window size on platform t...
Window & set_fullscreen(bool fs)
Set the window fullscreen.
Window & maximize()
Maximize the window.
static void gl_set_attribute(SDL_GLattr attr, bool val)
Generic templated 2D vector class.
void resize(Vec2i const &newsize) const
Change the size of the window the size of the window.
VkSurfaceKHR vk_create_surface(VkInstance instance)
Create a vulkan surface for the current platform.
GlContext(SDL_Window *w)
Create a GlContext for the given window.
static void gl_reset_attribute()
Reset all OpenGL attributes to their default values.
Window & move_by(Vec2i const &v)
Translate window on screen.
std::vector< const char * > vk_get_instance_extensions()
Enumerate the required extensions to create a VkSurfaceKHR on the current system. ...
void set_icon(std::string const &filename) const
Set the window icon (may require linking and activating SDL_Image)
Window & toggle_fullscreen()
Toggle the window fullscreen.
static gl_swap_interval gl_get_swap_interval()
Get the current swap interval.
virtual ~Window()
Destructor. Calls SDL_DestroyWindow() automatically for you.
Uint32 flags() const
Get the flags of this window.
Window & release(bool r=true)
Release window.
Window & move_to(Vec2i const &v)
Move window to specific location on screen.
void set_display_mode(SDL_DisplayMode const &mode) const
Set the window display mode.
Window & grab(bool g=true)
Grab window.
GlContext create_context() const
Create an OpenGL context from the current window.
SDL_Window * window_
Raw naked pointer to an SDL window.
Construct an invalid window object. You will need to initialize it by moving in a real sdl::Window in...
Dtor will call SDL_GL_DeleteContext on the enclosed context.
Nested class that represent a managed OpenGL Context by the SDL.
Define to deactivate exception support.
static int gl_get_attribute(SDL_GLattr attr)
Get the value of the specified OpenGL attribute.
SDL_GLContext ptr() const
SDL_SysWMinfo wm_info() const
Get window manager info. Exact content of this structure is fully platform dependant.
Window & restore()
Restore the window.
static void gl_set_attribute(SDL_GLattr attr, int val)
std::string title() const
the current window title
GlContext(GlContext &&other) noexcept
int display_index() const
Get the current window display index.
Window & hide()
Hide the window.
Window & operator=(Window &&other) noexcept
Move assign operator.
static bool gl_is_extension_supported(std::string const &ext_name)
Return true if the specified extension is supported.
SDL_Surface * ptr() const
Get C SDL_Surface object.
Represent an SDL_Surface.
SDL_Window * ptr() const
Getter for the raw SDL2 window pointer.
void make_current() const
bool grabbed() const
Is window grabed.
Define the type of window swapping strategy for opengl windows.
Vec2i size() const
Get current window size.
Vec2i position() const
Get current window position.
vk::UniqueSurfaceKHR vk_create_unique_surface(vk::Instance instance)
Create a vulkan surface using the C++ wrapper around UniqueHandle.
Renderer make_renderer(Uint32 flags=SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED) const
2D renderer factory.
Window & minimize()
Minimize the window.
Define to deactivate exception support.
void gl_swap() const
Swap buffers for GL when using double buffering on the current window.
SDL_DisplayMode display_mode() const
Get the current display mode.
bool fullscreen() const
Returns true if window is currently fullscreen (both real and "desktop mode")
Window(std::string const &title, Vec2i const &size, Uint32 flags=SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN)
Construct a window.
Class that represent a SDL2 2D renderer.
Window & rename(std::string const &t)
Change window name.
Window(Window &&other) noexcept
Default move ctor.
void set_icon(Surface const &icon) const
Set the window icon.