C++ header-only SDL2 wrapper
cpp-sdl2 header-only C++ bindings for SDL2


SDL2 is arguably one of the most helpfull free and open source libraries. As it is both a common API for many platform and operating systems to do frequent operations (opening window/ display surfaces, getting inputs from the user, loading libraries...).

SDL is written in C. C here is really valuable for the portability of the SDL to many platforms, and bindings to other programming languages. However, this makes the library rely on direct manipulation of pointers and data structure in memory, and manual management of the lifetime of the resources owned by said pointer.

The goal of this project is to provide a modern, easy to use C++ wrapper around SDL2. Including it's internal 2D renderer, and as an aid in developement using other libraries in a cross-platform context.

These wrappers are implemented only on header files, and it's permissive license allows you to simply add it's source code to any project that include and links the SDL, and that can be built with a modern C++ compiler following the latest standards.

This library mainly contains wrapper around SDL resources that are managed using the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) idiom. This simply means that theses objects will do the dirty work for you by obtaining these resources (window, memory...) at their construciton, and clean up when they naturally go out of scope, making memory safe and leak-free programs easier to accomplish.

This library also allows you to access to all the SDL functionalities that are exposed via a collection of functions.

For example, all the "SDL_Functions" that act on a window and take an SDL_Window pointer as argument are now simpler to use function members of the sdl::Window class.


This softwrae is distributed under the terms of the MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Edhebi and contributors